Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Spring Hill Ham Fest

 It's that time of year! The annual Spring Hill Country Ham festival is here! It is a huge festival in Spring Hill that honors all things...yep, ham. There are local vendors, musicians, and lots of fried food. It is all things Country!
 Beka did not get to go last year, so she was so excited to experience this local tradition first hand. The day was gorgeous and sunny, and ripe with Ham filling the air. The fair is held on some private land near a lake. It is a great southern setting. 
 Being a newbie to the festival, Beka thought that it was just called the country ham festival for kicks and giggles, but in reality, there was ham everywhere! Ham curing and judging as well. Yep, believe it. 
 Our church was there to serve at the festival. We had an obstacle  course for kids to go though and win prizes. We also had a baby changing station for Mom's to have a clean and cool place at the fair to change their children. Beka worked the station and got to meet some fun people. 
 This was the view from the Baby changing station where Beka worked. It was such a beautiful place. 

 There was so many fun things for kids and families to see and to do! Everything from train rides to a petting zoo!
 This photo was one of our favorites from the whole festival. It depicted what the day was full of: good old fashion southern love!
 This was the obstacle course that we had for the kids. It was so fun to watch the kids run full speed through the course to try and get the best time! We also saw some kids wipe out, which was unfortunately very funny as well :)
 Team Oakley got to walk around the festival for a while between coming, going, and volunteering. We had a great time enjoying all the southern festivities together. 
 Michael is wearing the new shirt for our church that he designed. We don't always make it a practice to match. Just on special occasions :)
 There were many local businesses advertising at the festival. 
 This is the haunted woods that Michael is doing the acting coaching for during the fall. scaaaarrryyyyy.
 They had pre ham and post ham here as well. 
 Quote of the day: Michael "I thought pigs were smaller". Southern gentleman (in a VERY southern accent) "that's cuz that right there is a hog!"

 Beka double dog dared Michael to touch one...and he did, and he had fun. 

Beka, striking a pose! heeeeeeeeyyyyy

 There was a health and wellness station showing kids that exercise can be fun. Go big or go home!
 One of our favorite things at the festival was the petting zoo.
 They had goats and camels and turtles. Oh my!
 ....and donkeys 

 This turtle was a monster too! We say him go full speed (true,  he is a turtle, but he was going for it!) into a goat and make the goat move! He meant business! 

 Here is Team Oakley again...and more ham!

The day was lovely, and had many fun decorations to gussy up the setting. 

The great. 
 wah wah wah
 This was the music stage where there was local artists performing all day. And don't be jealous of the seating :)
 And then there was food.....
You can't beat fair food...unless it's southern fair food, then it beats everyone!

 Here are some local mom and pop shops selling their southern goodies at the festival. 

 Yummy TN honey!
 As we were driving away from the festival with Ham in the air and some home-fried food and country music seeing us off, through the grass field in which we parked, and over the bumps and lumps of the unpaved road, and by the newly baled hay....we realized the south is a pretty cool place to be.

Thanks for sharing our VERY country adventure with us!

Until the next one!

Team Oakley

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