Friday, November 12, 2010

Rippavilla corn maze!

Hello friends and followers!

It is a special time of year for team oakley. The weather is changing, we are celebrating Beka's (sept) birthday, Michael's (Oct) birthday, our anniversary (nov), and the changing of the seasons!

To celebrate fall and our scheules slowing down a bit, Team Oakley went on a date to the Rippavilla plantation here in Spring Hill TN and visited their corn maze!

Rippavilla ( is chock full with history, sights, and a HUGE plantation house. We love going there to look at the garden, the old slave house, and find the geochaches hidden there.

Every fall, after their corn harvest, they open their pre-planted/ maze shaped corn field to the public for fun! We have gone three times now throughout the years. Every year it is in a different shape. One year it was in the shape of TN, a mule,  and the boy scouts logo. This year it was in the shape of a barn and silo promoting agricultural awareness.

We arrived and grew excited more and more as we grew closer and closer. We parked in the field outside the maze, and got bundled up for the cold night air. For Michael it meant a scarf, hat, jaket and gloves. For Beka it meant a thermal, a sweat shirt, a double breasted coat, a scarf, a hat, a layer under the jeans, more socks, uggs, and gloves....."it's going to be a looooong winter" we both thought as she waddled to the maze.

We looked around outside for a while and took some fun photos by the cut outs, then paid and made our way inside. They give out maps, but we did not need them. We went too late in the season, and the corn was so thinned out from hooligans going the wrong way and of the trail, that we could see where the end was. But that did not ruin our night. We enjoyed the night, being outside and being together. We went to all ends of the maze, seeing every side of the barn and silo trails.

It was a great night with smells of fall and cold in the air. We loved going, and we can't wait to see what the maze will look like next year. We will for sure go earlier, to get the full challenge (it took us two hours one year to concur this thing!)

Thanks for sharing in our seasonal adventure!

Until the next one!

Team Oakley

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