Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas is a wonderful organization that spreads the joy of Christmas all over the world. What happens is a sponsor gets a shoe box, and puts gifts, educational supplies, and hygiene items in it for a specific gender and age. Then you pay for shipping, drop the box of at your local donation center, then they take care of the rest! They ship them all over the world for boys and girls that otherwise would not have gifts on Christmas.

Our church gets behind this each year, and this year the college bible study that Team Oakley hosts in our home sponsored two boxes. One for a little boy, and one for a little girl. We go our broke college kids to pitch in a few bucks each, then Michael and Beka headed to target to load up on on the goodies!

We chose to buy 1$ plastic shoe boxes so that the child that receives the git could use it for durable storage later. 

Michael was filled with the Christmas Spirit as he was shopping for the shoe boxes!

Here are the finished gifts! Lots of fun things for some special kids. 

So we got home, and we all prayed for the boy and the girl who would be getting these gifts, and then sent them off. A cool thing that Operation Christmas Child offers is if you pay for the postage online, then they track your box, and you can find out exactly where in the world your gift went! Our gift boxes got to bring smiles to the faces of Children in Uganda, and Botswana!

It was an easy, inexpensive way to remember how blessed we are here in the states, to give back, and to remember what Christmas is ultimately about; Love.

Thanks for sharing our adventure with us!

Team Oakley

For more information on Operation Christmas Child, please visit their website at www.samaritanspurse.org

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