Sunday, December 5, 2010

The wisdom adventures, pt 1

Team oakley does well on many things, but seeing the dentist on a regular schedule, s not one of them. Now that we have dental insurance, we had to do the right thing and go in for our dooms day report. Beka had not been in about 13 years, and Michael was up around that long too. 

Let's start with Beka. Her diagnosis was good, but she did need her wisdom's out. No other problems, but they needed to be out fast. So Team Oakley held a garage sale, and got the monies they needed. 

It was quite the adventure for Beka and Michael. Beka has never had even a cavity filled, so going in to get dental surgery was daunting to say the least. 

When they got in, Team Oakley checked in and sat down to wait. There was no back door to the dentist, so they had to send out the patients through the front door, past the nervous waiters. We were not there but 5 mins before a patient made his way out. There was blood on his shirt, gauze in his mouth, and he was more or less a did not make Beka feel all too at ease. 

When she finally got into the back, none of the rooms had doors! She and Michael had to walk through a hallways with patients getting drilled, cut open, and all sorts of dental torture going on! Stress levels hit the roof!

She finally got into a chair, and calmed down a bit. She asked everyone in the room why they were called wisdom teeth, but no body seemed to know. In the past, nurses have had a hard time sticking her with an IV. On one occasion, she got stuck over 5 times before there was a winner. But fortunately, this was only a  one time deal! She was so excited, as needles are not a happy place for her. 

The wait in the chair was not long. After a few mins of the IV in, they hooked her up to some oxygen. Then it was not long before sweet sleepy sedation. They put the magic juice in the IV, and after about 15 secs (longer than the usual patient she is told) she was in la la dream land. 

She woke up to a nurse and her husband in front of her, helping her out of her chair. She was sleepy, but not woozy at all! VERY disappointing. She hopped in the car, and her and Michael were on their way home. 

She did not say anything funny, embarrassing, or even you tube worthy! Both her and Michael were very disappointed... she was no fun at all. She was very normal and boring....

After she got home, there was not much to report. She took full advantage of her next two days off, and watched movies, and read some books. 

All and all it was not too bad. The pain was tolerable, and lots of her friends were willing to help with food (mostly for michael), and the whole process went really smooth....unlike her counterpart's...

To be continued.. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor baby! I remember when Ro got her wisdom teeth out. She said some funny things, and then to help her recover, Dara and I got her some laffy taffy, milk duds, gum, and lots of other fun things to eat when you've just had oral surgery. :-P
