Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cabin Trip, Day one

Cabin trip day one

Beka’s family LOVES to camp. They go at least once a year all together. It has become a tradition for them to go the week after Christmas, and for the last few years, Team Oakley has been able to fly down and go with them. I know if may sound crazy to many people (Michael included), but yes, Beka and Michael fly across the united states to the beautiful city of sunny San Diego (beaches, palm trees, 75 degrees year round) and they go desert camping! But that is what Beka and her family loves to do, so that is what we do (Mike is such a good sport). But this year a wrench was thrown into the tradition (a cute wrench). Emery is here this year, and Desert camping gets pretty cold in December. So instead of forgoing the tradition all together, Beka’s Mom and Steve Pop rented a cabin in Big Bear CA this year as a gift to all their kids! This way everybody can still get together, but there would be heating and indoor plumbing for the baby. Thanks Mom and Steve Pop!

Emery went with Auntie Ro and Auntie Roxanne the day of to go grocery shopping for the trip. They wore him out with their love!

We left San Diego Wednesday afternoon to head up to Big Bear and caravanned with some of Beka’s siblings. It is about a three hour drive up. There was lots of traffic, though, so it took a lot longer. We stopped about half way up for dinner, fed Emery, changed him, and continued on our way.

The drive was not bad at all…until the last 30 mins. When you reach Big Bear Mountain, it is a winding way up…..and Beka gets extremely car sick. That last half hour felt longer than the whole other 2 ½ hours, but we made it.

When we got there, we were plesently surprised at how cute the cabin was! We were in the ‘Smokey the Bear’ cabin, and it was all decorated for Christmas.

 It had a fireplace, three bedrooms, and one bathroom. This may seem enough for the normal family, but Beka has 6 siblings, three sib-in-laws, her parents, and her step parents, so it was VERY cozy. Her Mom and Steve Pop got one room, and they save one of the other bed rooms for us so that Emery could sleep and eat in peace. We were SO thankful! That did mean, however, that the other 17 people sleeping in the Cabin had to fit in one bedroom and the living room. We all get along well, though, so it ended up working out. No one had an issue with us having our own room (Emery covers a multitude of sins J) and we were well taken care of by our sweet family.

Once we settled in….the Party began! There was lots of snacking, drinking, games, laughing, and pictures. It was a full night of good times, funny quotes, and many memories.

The next day has some snow boarding adventures in store, so stay tuned my blog friends!

Thanks for reading!

Team Oakley

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