Saturday, August 24, 2013

3-30-13 Egg-strava-gan-ZOO

Who doesn't love an easter egg hunt? Who doesn't love the zoo? Let's combine them and make an egg-strava-gan-ZOO! Yes, for the second year in a row Team Oakley is excited to egg hunt at the zoo! Emery is MUCH bigger this year, so we are all stoked! Plus his Auntie Toad is with us this year, which makes it all the more special. 
We got there when the eggs were being put out. They are all empty, and you trade them in for a gift bag, but it is still fun to see them all thrown about. 

Emery loved watching the process! He did a good job waiting. 

Once it was time, we grabbed out bag, and hit the floor!

He was all business!!!

Then he saw the easter bunny, and it was all snuggles! 

Emery kept following it around. It was precious. He was AMAZED how big it's feet were! 

After we hunted, we traded, and got our treats! Emery loved taking them all out and looking at the loot. He lOVES rubber ducks so he was thrilled he got two! 

Beka and Rosy modeled his new glasses. They were tiger striped, so they did a duck face. 

Emery loved his glasses too! stylin! 

Then it was off to pet some goats! Emery LOVES the petting zoo! 

He is such a love bug, and hugs any goat that lets him get within arms length. 

And if you let him, he will hug a pole as well. 

After the petting zoo, we went to the play place! It was so fun! 

Emery LOVES slides!

And snakes..

but he REALLY loves swings!

he had so much fun playing the day away! 

He loved spending some quality time with his Auntie Toad, too. They are buddies for real. 

It was a very fun and silly day indeed! 

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Team Oakley

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