Emery and Beka are in SD! It is almost wedding time, so here is what we have been doing out here in SD the last month.
At first, there were some relaxing on Auntie Ro's couch.
There were lots of snuggles.
Emery went to church with Poppa and Mimi. He looked pretty fly, and stole the hearts of all the old ladies there.
He also partied hard in his Adidas from Uncle Zach and Aunt Robin.
He laughed hard. Maybe too hard...
Beka and Emery played soccer!
Emery tried to drink like a big boy. It was hard.
Beka and Emery loved spending snuggle time together!
Emery rocked some over-alls.
And he laughed some more.
He relaxed in a bubble bath when things got tough.
And when things got tough for Beka, she drank lots of coffee :)
Emery was cool in the SD sun.
And discovered that he had MANY funny faces to make.
He got into the St. Patrick's day spirit!
He also practiced his camouflage.
He was silly with his Aunties.
He sat like a big boy in a shopping cart for the first time.
Beka and Emery both were ticked at the weather in SD, and did not miss Spring Hill's weather!
We got to go to the bay.
And Emery felt grass on his bare feet!
Emery went to church again with Poppa and Mimi. And again, he looked great!
And he came back VERY tired. It must have been a great time!
And again, he laughed.
Emery def adopted the SD style of cool.
And then he laughed some more.
He practiced being a leprechaun for his Auntie's wedding.
And Beka baked 300 soft pretzels for the wedding shaped like shamrocks.
And Emery bounced while she cooked.
Beka did LOTS of crafts for the wedding.
And.....Emery laughed again. :)
They both went to dinner with Auntie Ro and Uncle Timmy.
And Emery got a new outfit from Poppa and Mimi!
Emery bounced like CRAZY in a borrowed bouncer!
And he got to go to the San Diego zoo with Grandma and Grandpop! They bought him a zoo hat and outfit!
And Emery also got his fist bath faux hawk!
He also ate dinner with his family every night. Some nights he was fancier than others.
Beka and Emery played A LOT!
We had a dress rehearsal for the wedding. Looking good!
And he read some new books from Grandma and GrandPop!
Beka baked LOTS of cookies for the bridal shower. They were great!
And we hit a milestone! Emery sat up by himself for the first time!
Then Beka baked 30 loaves of Irish soda bread for the wedding! This was the biggest bag of flour that she had ever seen!
Beka and her sisters had a bachelorette party for the bride!
While Beka was out having a good time, Emery was hanging out at Grandma's, eating his toes and being silly!
Then it was the day of the wedding! We all got ready and Emery was as cute as can be!
The wedding went GREAT! Everything was wonderful and Beka and Emery were SO glad for Michael to be in town to officiate the wedding. Congrats Auntie Ro and Uncle Timmy!
It rained that day, but that is good luck!
Emery did a great job! he was the best-most-cutest ring bearer ever!
After the wedding, Emery, Beka, and Michael were able to sleep in and relax. Our stay in SD was VERY full of fun, family, and festivities! Happy St. Patrick's day!
We have one more surprise up our sleeve while we are in SD, so stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!
Team Oakley
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