Friday, September 6, 2013

5-13-13 Emery had a rough walk today

We try to take a walk with Emery everyday. The sunshine and exercise is good for all of us. They almost always are full of good memories and fun, but today was a MUCH different story. 

Team Oakley is a one car family as of now, so when Beka needed some things at walgreens, she and Emery headed out on a walk. It is a walk they do often, and they were both excited to be outside (their favorite place to be). 

It started out fine, with Emery examining each tree and hugging them (totally normal in this house hold). 

And Emery was having a swell time running and being adventurous! 

But he got a little TOO adventurous, and he ended up with a good sized owie on his knee. This photo was before it decided to bleed.... all the way down his leg. 

We were closer to Walgreens than we were to our house, so we decided it was best to keep going. Emery was still in semi good spirits, he was just going REALLY slow now. He kept hiding from Beka, it was pretty funny. 

Then, he got a burst of energy, and started running like a crazy!

Then he fell down, again. He had opened his knee even more. He was not happy about it, and kept looking at his knee, saying, OWIE! 

So after we finally made it to Walgreens, we got some bandaids. Sesame street bandaids. Emery had never worn one before, but Beka thought that they would be a go. After all, they had his very best friends on them! 

She was very wrong.

Emery does not freak out often. It is not something we are familiar or experienced in dealing with. When Beka tried to put the bandaid on his bleeding knee, he flipped! He cried and screamed and shrieked in the Walgreens parking lot. He was so scared it would hurt. We can't blame him, it is a foreign idea if you really think about it...I am hurt, and bleeding, and this hurt bleeding place stings when I touch it, so lets put a thin piece of sticky plastic on it, to touch it all the time. Very odd. He had a point.

Beka finally got smart and put on on herself, showing it did not hurt. Then and only then did he calm down enough for her to hold him down and, with ninja speed, cover his STILL bleeding knee. 

The walk home was VERY long. Emery needed to be held... the whole mile it took back to the house. He kept checking that Beka still had her band aid on (he was not about to have one on alone). When they FINALLY got home, Emery was still in some pain, and annoyed at the bandaid, and Beka was exhausted and SO sweaty from carrying her toddler and groceries a mile in the heat.

Though it was not the best walk we have ever had, I am sure it will not be the worst. Emery will have far more skinned knees, and we will have many more unpleasant days. It is all part of life. We take the good with the bad. And even the bad days always have some good. Beka got to take a walk with Emery. She will choose a bad walk over no walk any day. And Emery gained a bit more trust in her with her taking care of him, carrying him all that way, and treating his knee. He wore a bandaid for the first time, and he had a story to tell. He was proud to show everyone, even strangers, his owie. 

We love our Emery, and the bad days are never so bad anymore. We hope if today is bad for you, there is some good in it.

Blessings and bandaids to all,

Team Oakley

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