Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Church work day 7-21-12

Team Oakley takes pride in working hard. We are not afraid of it. So when our church set up a work day at the school that we rent, we jumped at the chance to help. 

We got our gloves, our work clothes, and our Emery, and headed to the school. Emery was being a bit lazy, so he stayed in his stroller while Beka and Michael shoveled, picked and hauled weeds, and got dirty and tired. 

It was pretty hot out, and after a few hours of back breaking tasks, everyone at the work day was so tired! There were kids as little as five years old helping out and really working hard. It did our heart good to see such little ones doing what they could. Some of them made a game out of it and were giving themselves and others points for what they were doing. I think one boy gave himself 2,000 points at one time for pulling a really big weed! It was a very high scoring game.

 We were happy to be a part of the day, even though we left drenched in sweat and caked in dirt and grass. We rent a school auditorium to meet for church, so we were not doing this for our benefit, but so that the school staff could know that we appreciate what they do for the kids in our community. During the day the principal stopped by and was so thankful for what we were doing. The soreness tomorrow was going to be worth it :D

When we got home to pass out, the kitties welcomed us in with their lazy, relaxed selves. It was as if they were saying, "oh, geez, you look awful! Have you been working hard today? I have been laying here, on the carpet, in the air conditioning, alllllllll day looooonnnnngggg." Those cats can be real jerks sometimes :D

All jokes aside, we were very happy to help show love to the teachers in our community. Being a low paid teacher is not an easy job, but now when they show up to do their jobs, they will not see weeds in the parking lot, the grass will look great, and they playground will not be over run by a jungle. We hope it helps a little bit, because we appreciate teachers. 

What can you do to tell some teachers in your life 'thank you'?

Let us know your ideas! And thank YOU for reading our blog!

Love to all,

Team Oakley 

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