Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oh the woes of a working Momma :(

Tonight, we here at theadventuresofteamoakley would like to salute the Mom's who work.

Now we all know that all Mom's "work". Being an mom is a more than full time job in itself. We are not saying otherwise. It's hard...we know. 

Beka works part time out of the house. She works anywhere from 2 - 4 days a week, but they are out of town, so she has to be away the whole time, even nights. This is not very easy for any member of Team Oakley. 

Michael has to pull double duty when Beka is gone. He has to be full time parent during the day, then work during naps and after Emery's bedtime. We are so thankful his job is flexible, but it makes for a pretty long day. Plus he has to keep up the housework, which Beka usually takes care of. 

Beka works full time being Emery's Mommy when she is in town, then pulls very long travel days when she is out of town. She is always working. She LOVES her job (part of the reason she is still working), gets paid well, has fun, and loves the people in her company. She has been with this job FIVE years this month! And the majority of the time she is fine, but sometimes it takes it's toll on her body and her heart. She hates being away from Emery, and is afraid of missing the milestones (luckily that hasn't happened yet!). 

Emery....Emery is awesome. He adapts so well to anyone who is taking care of him. He does miss his momma though. He often calls for her and looks around, trying to figure out where she is. After about two nights he gets all out of whack, and fussy (he is NEVER fussy otherwise!). Then when she is in town, he clings to her like she is going to leave him. She does not mind him hanging on her though, because by the time she gets back, she misses him just as much! But it is hard and confusing for a little guy. 

So traveling for us is usually good, but sometimes it gets hard.

A little while ago we were all face timing, and Emery got really excited to see where his mom was! He even kissed the screen and hung up the call! We called back and all was going well. 

Then Emery wanted his Momma to hold him, and she could not, and that made him sad. 

Then he had had enough! He just wanted his Momma! 

It was a quick, downward spiral of emotion, and it broke Beka and Michael's heart. 

Again, let us reiterate that it is not always bad. Usually we all work as a well functioning machine. probably 95% of the time is great! This time, however,  it was just too much, and we all got sad. 

So we want to say to all you parents who have to make it work at home with a working momma, you rock! It is not easy, and it is not fun being away, but you are making it work for your family! You are kicking butt, and taking care of business! You often get looked down upon for not "choosing" to stay at home (would't that be nice!?!), but the reality it, you are a hero! You are doing what your family needs, and we want to say, YOU ROCK! Keep it up, Mammas! Stay Strong!

We commend you!

Be patient with yourselves, and give yourself a break, you are pulling double duty.

And again, you all are awesome.

From one working Momma household to another, 

We love you.

Team Oakley

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