Wednesday, January 9, 2013

12-28-12 Set up and date night!

Team Oakley is making some major changes around here. A new year always brings new thoughts of change and direction. And while Team Oakley only wants "more of the same please!" (it has become our new year's motto) there are things around us changing. We have become very good at adapting. 

One of the big changes is that our Church (that we LOVE) is moving from Sunday nights to Sunday mornings. We have been doing sunday nights for nearly 5 years now, so it is a major switch. Not only that, but we are moving locations as well! 

So next sunday will mark the first day of regular sunday morning gatherings, and the first time in our new school (we are, shall I call it, a church in a box. We set up in a school each week, then after service tear it all down and put it in a trailer to do it again the next week).

Michael is the worship arts pastor at our church, so he is responsible for all the things you see and hear throughout the service. That includes, but is not limited to lights, sounds, music, environments, handouts, video, media, ect. So coming into a new space means LOTS of new changes to all the above mentioned responsibilities. This seems daunting looking at it all at once, so we are deciding to spread out the stress over the next week. Today Michael, Beka, and Emery (the best little helper!) went to the school to work on some lights and see what we needed to order before the church moved. 

It was very cold out, but Emery was excited to be outside. He does not get much outside time because of the weather, so when he does, he is full of joy. He gets this from his Momma. Beka was made to be outside. Sometimes when she gets the blues Michael asks her "do you need to go outside?" The answer is usually yes, and nature is usually the cure. We are so glad Emery is the same way! 

As we all got together, Team Oakley realized that we were all wearing new shoes from Christmas! Man we are loved! 

While Michael got some things together in the area that our church would be meeting, Beka and Emery explored the new school. They talked and talked about what school was, what Emery would do there in the future, and how fun it would all be! Emery pointed to things and asked questions, and he watched the children play (the students were on winter break, but there was a day care program going on still). It was a great time. Emery also found a basketball. He had never played with one before. Maybe he will play when he is older, like his Poppa or his Aunt Robin. 

After they explored all they were allowed to, Emery and Beka found Michael again and helped him our with some wires. 

Emery looks like a natural sound man! 

When we got home from our big day at the school, we started to make some small changed at home. Beka had needed to clean out her closet for some time now (bye bye maternity!) so she dove right in. She is reading a book by Tim Gunn (a hero of sorts to her) that was given to her by her big sister for Christmas! It has really inspired her to fall back in love with clothes and fashion, so she was determined to remove the items she never wears, gave away the items she did not fit into, and vowed to wear the items she thought were too fun for her. It was thrilling! Michael saw her doing it, and he cleaned out his  side too! When we would come to an item that we knew we should give away, but really wanted to keep for familiarity sake, we would just look at each other and say, "Tim Gunn!" We had such a great feeling of accomplishment that we went and did Emery's as well! We purged three bags of clothes from Michael and Beka's closet, and two boxes from Emery's! Success! 

After all of that, Michael had something up his sleeve for Beka. He called his Mom and asked if Emery could stay the night over there (obviously the answer was yes, it always is! They love him so much! Who can blame them :) and he took his wife on a date! They got all gussied up, and Beka was sure to make the most out of her new fashion goals (Tim Gunn!). She wore a dress she had never worn (mostly because of baby weight) and she wore red lipstick, which she is usually to shy to sport, and opted with a clutch instead of convincing herself she needed her huge mom purse, and she wore heels (something she only does when Emery is not with her, in fear of falling). Hooray! The beautiful Jacket and ankle boots were loaners from her sister, Roxanne (the perks of living with your sister!). 

Michael was looking pretty good too! He had a new shirt, vest, and cologne from Christmas. 

We went and saw Les Miserables on the big screen (and caught the matinee price!). Beka had never seen the play, or even knew the plot, so it was thrilling! Michael, on the other hand, sang along because he was so familiar with the play. It was so fun! Then they got some dinner out. It was SUCH a fun night. 

Because we have many people around us who love Emery, we are able to hand him off often. But we usually take the time away to work or get things done. It was very special that this night was all about the fun. 

As for Emery, he was having a grand old time at his Nana and Nunu's house. They always have a great stash of toys and fun things to do. He loves his mom and dad, but he also loves the fun nights he spends away. This is so heartwarming for Beka and Michael because they both had amazing relationships with their grandparents, and to know that Emery is growing up in the same loving and nurturing way they did (both here in TN and in CA) is wonderful. 

So every member of Team Oakley was happy, loved, and looking good this night.

We are so thankful this was able to happen, and we hope for "more of the same please!" in 2013!

Love to all! And wear that red lipstick! Tim Gunn!

Love to all,
Team Oakley

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