Monday, November 12, 2012

10/29/12 Grocery shopping. Like boss.

Grocery shopping is always quite an event withTeam Oakley. We are on a tight weekly food budget, so there has to be a set list, a weekly menu, and we use coupons. It takes quite a while for a successful trip. When we can, we all like to go together and make a fun event out it. If you don't make an effort to have it be fun, it is stressful. Very. Stressful. 

One thing that always helps is coffee! 

Emery was a bit under the weather this trip, so we thought he would just sit quietly in the kart. Yeah right. Have you even met our son?

This is what Emery was doing within seconds of entering the store. He was dancing. In the kart. Beka could not even take a clear photo he was dancing so hard! 

Sometimes he would loose his balance he was dancing so hard. But he would just get up and bust more moves! He was waving our list in the air while he was dancing. OW OW! 

Despite the cold, Emery was one happy grocery getting guy! 

When we got our diapers, we made Emery a fun couch to relax on. We also bought him one more Dr. Suess book. Beka even decorated his space with her scarf. He was riding in style. 

After he was bored with sitting in the kart, we got Emery his own kart to push. It is meant for kids bigger than Emery, but he had a good time anyways. 

 It was such a joy watching Emery "help" us. He is getting so big. The bigger Mr. Emery's body gets, the bigger his heart does too. We love this kid! Everyone in the grocery store did to. He made lots of shoppers and workers smile that day. It was awesome. He was well behaved during our whole trip. We got everything we needed and checked out. Success. 

That was our grocery shopping adventure. We love seeing our boy grow, and we hope you all are enjoying it too.


Team Oakley

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