Saturday, November 10, 2012

10/3/12 Zoo fun!

Hello world! It is a nice day in Nashville, so Team Oakley decided to take a trip to the zoo!

Emery is always so excited about getting out of the house, but he was even more excited than usual, because HE LOVES THE ZOO!

Emery was one cool dude at the zoo! He was rockin his overalls and shades. As usual people were stopping to wave to him and to tell us how cute he is!

He LOVES to walk at the zoo. Every time before this he needed to be in the stroller. But not this time! He is fully taking advantage of his new found freedom. 

He is quite the explorer! He wrangled this plant pretty good. 

Here are the cool Oakley Men in their awesome matching shades. 

We took Emery to the Jungle Gym kid's area. He really likes the alligators out front. 

Michael got in on the alligator action as well. Like father like son. 

Emery loved the alligator so much he gave him a big kiss! 

And to make sure the other alligator didn't get jealous, Emery spread his love around to the others as well. 

And even though it was just a rock, Emery gave it some love too. 

 Then it was time to visit the hippo. It scared Emery last time, so we were hoping he would warm up to it now.

He was cautious at first....

Then he came around. Emery and the hippo were now friends. 

Emery even let Michael put him in the Hippo's mouth! 

 He is such a good sport.

 After courageously facing his hippo fear, Emery went crazy! There was nothing to stop him from having as much fun as he could!

Then we went to emery's favorite place, the swings! It doesn't get much better than his sweet face, so excited and free! 

After the thrilling swings, we took Emery to the tot lot so he could crawl and play and make new friends (he is very good at making new friends).

Emery got a too far away from us, so Michael flew him back. Emery thought it was VERY fun. 

Once he landed, he was off again!

Emery took lots of falls, but that was ok in the tot lot! EVERYTHING IS PADDED! 

And after all the running and jumping and making friends, Emery just needed to lie down for a bit. 

Then he was off and running again! OH how he loves to play!

After the play place had worn us all out, then we went to see some animals. 

One of the meerkats was planking. 

One more on the left is tebowing. 

Then we saw the elephants while Emery had a bottle. 

Then we saw giraffes. 

After the giraffes and the bottle, we all thought it was a good idea to come home. We had played VERY hard, and we were sure ready to rest.

When we got home we found some cool wildlife of our own! There was a huge, awesome looking grasshopper on our shutter. It was very cool.

It was such a great day! We saw so many things and we were able to play like crazy! We are thankful that the zoo is near and its a safe place to play and be. 

Thanks for sharing our zoo day with us! Stay tuned for more adventures!

Team Oakley

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