Friday, November 9, 2012

9/15/12 Emery's first birthday party!!!


He is one year old already! It has been the best year of life for Michael and Beka, and we were so happy to celebrate him and all the wonder, love, joy, and thankfulness he has brought to our lives. Who knew something so small could change your life, for the better, in such HUGE ways. 

To honor him we are having a mustache bash! We sent out the invites and had people text their RSVPs with the mustache and a thumbs up for going, or thumbs down for not going. People were so fun! 

but miss addalynne takes the cute award :) 

We got super themed out! THERE WERE MUSTACHES EVERYWHERE! 

It's hard to see with the light but we had a 'name that famous stache' on the door with famous persons sporting the stache. You had guess who was who. Emery's Pep Pep, Kevin, won the game! He is he smartest stache for sure. 

Emery brings such vibrant color to our lives. We thought that it would be appropriate to decorate with lots of fun color for his special day. 

We had plenty of mustache munchies to chow down on too! 

Vegan mini mustache cupcakes. Chocolate with a vanilla whipped frosting. Of course we topped them with mustaches! 

We had one of Emery's and Beka's favorite fruit, watermelon! If you notice Emery eating something in the majority of his photos, it is watermelon. He can't get enough of it! 

We also had some vegan mustache snickerdoodles. 

And chex mix that was also vegan. They were all a hit! 

We strung mustaches all over the house along with banners celebrating our favorite little boy. 

After the baking, decorating, and all around fun times of setting everything up, it was time to PARTY!!! We am so thankful that Josie, Michael's mother, is a superb photographer and she brought her camera! So thanks to her we have these awesome moments caught on film. Thank you!  

And this is what I warned about earlier, Emery just loves watermelon oh so much! 

This is what we call a Pappy-stache 

It was a treasure to have Beka's dad, Beka, and Emery all together celebrating the very special day they all have in common. 

And Emery is still eating watermelon.

Beka and Emery could not have asked for a better gift than to see their loved ones. It was so sweet for them to come out to celebrate! 

And yes, more watermelon in the photo. Who can blame him though. It's his party! He can eat all the watermelon that he wants! Live it up little dude! 

We made some coloring pages from Emery's photos so the kids could color. 

Emery is just starting to figure out that crayons are fun. He enjoyed the coloring station too! 

And he liked eating them. 

Michael put together a really sweet slideshow of Emery's first year. It was hard not to get emotional at how far Emery has come, and how blessed we are to have him in our lives! He is a beautiful thing. Indeed the best thing to ever happen to us. 

Emery loved his slideshow so much that Beka thought he was going to throw that ball! 

Now time for gifts! Emery was SO SO SO spoiled! Thank you to everyone who showered our guy with so many books, dvds, clothes, shoes, toys and more! He was in gift heaven! 

He got so many things from so many different people. Thank you to all who are so loving on our boy! 

The last gift Emery opened was from his mom and dad. Beka loves taking trash to treasure, and she put her skills to work by transforming this old rocking horse she found at good will.....

To Emery's very own ROCKIN HORSE!

It was such a fun project, and it made it even better when Emery LOVED it! 

With all the gifts opened, Emery had fun saying hi to his family and friends and just being the silly little one year old that he is.

Emery really loved having his cousin there. He had someone to "play" with (he really just wants to pet and snuggle his friends. That is his version of "play" right now). 

He loves his auntie Ro so much. He likes her even more when she feeds him :)

And speaking of food, emery got to eat his first cupcake! We thought he would go crazy and get it everywhere, but he was quite clean and methodical about it. And cute. So very cute. 

We also set up a photo booth! Take a look at how silly Emery's loved ones are!

Oh it was such a fun day! Team Oakley had a great time celebrating Emery and hanging out and being silly. We don't think his first birthday party could have gone any better, and we have all our family and friends to thank for that. You all are awesome!

And happy birthday to the most awesome dude of all, Mr. Emery!

Thanks for letting us share Emery's very first birthday party with you!

Team Oakley

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