Saturday, November 10, 2012

10/3/12 Emery's first real boo boo :(

Team Oakley has been very fortunate with Emery. He has been mobile for months, walking for weeks, and he is very energetic and loves to be daring and explore. He has had some bumps and bruises along the way, but nothing to cause concern. That is until now. 

Emery got his first boo boo.

He was walking around the kitchen with his sippy cup, and he tripped while trying to take a sip. He has done this before (he falls often). But this time the cup really got him. By the time Beka got to him to pick him up we could already see the blood coming. It was really hard to tell how bad the cut was because there was so much blood. We had to stay VERY calm, force his poor hurt mouth open and soak up the blood with wet paper towels. Once the blood stopped for a bit we had to force some ice on the owie. He cut the little piece of skin that connects your upper lip and to your gums, and he cut his  gums. We really thought we may have to take him to the doctor, but after about 20 mins he stopped bleeding and quieted down a bit.  It was VERY scary for all of us.

Because he was a wounded warrior, Emery got to have a Popsicle for the first time. It also helped with his pain and swelling, so it was a win win for everyone. 

Emery kept touching his lip because it hurt, then he would flinch because he touched his lip! It was sad to see. Emery was very brave, and it could have been much worse. 

We are so glad that he is ok, and we are glad that we have one of these under our belt. We know there will be PLENTY more in the years to come, but we were proud of ourselves for getting through this one.

Emery was fine the next day. It was like nothing had happened to him.

Well, that was an adventure! Stay tuned for more (and happier) ones to come.

Team Oakley

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